showing 7 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardgame type
Garry Kitchen's Super Battletank: War in the Gulf  Absolute Entertainment1992shooter simulation labelimageminimize
F-1 Grand Prix Part 2  Video System1993racing/driving labelimageminimize
Mario's Time Machine Mindscape (The Software Toolworks)1993edutainment Historical labelimagesubject
F-1 Grand Prix Part 3  Video System1994racing/driving labelimageminimize
EarthBound  Nintendo (HAL Laboratory)1995role-play Humorous Science Fiction labelimagesubject
Stargate  Acclaim Entertainment (Probe;Tantalus)1995platformer shooter labelimageminimize
Secret of Evermore Square1995action/reflex role-play Fantasy Science Fiction labelimagesubject